Wednesday, July 9, 2008

6th Monthiversary : 20's Style

Chris and I celebrated 6 months of marriage 1920's style by visiting the DMA's exhibit of Sarah and Gerald Murphy, two 1920's socialite celebrities. It was fascinating! They were friends with virtually everyone you'd ever want to meet: Picasso, Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Cole made me very nostalgic and reminded me how terribly fond of letters I am. There were letters to and from all of these people on display and it excited Chris and I because it reminded us of our life very much. We realized how so many of our friends are poets, musicians, writers, artists, and how our world expands, our minds grow and our hearts are changed by their creativity. It's beautiful, really. Chris even surprised me and bought me this "1920s-ish" dress, as he calls it. He even bought the right size...not bad for only 6 months, I say.

Me doing the Charleston...

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